jeudi 24 septembre 2009

In Ostuni, Italy right now.

Took 3 pinhole photos yesterday, not easy to develop them where I am right now...

jeudi 17 septembre 2009

Home made pinhole camera, 4x5inch sheet film, f/121, 6-8sec. Kodak Tri-X 320iso (expired 10/2006), developer : Ilford ID-11 for 8min. Made with the same home made camera as the image below, only with a pinhole of 0,16mm instead of 0,22mm so the image is no longer a circle it covers all the negative which is 4x5 inches = 10,2cmx12,7cm, pinhole is 2cm from the surface of the sheet film.
Selfportrait, with another 4x5inch sheet film pinhole camera. Exsposure : 45sec, I'm holding the timer in my hands.
Slow shutter speed is what it says : about photos taken on 1/2 sec or several sec, or even minutes or hours with selfmade lensless cameras. This one above, taken in Jardin des Plantes, Paris. Exsposure : some seconds... on 4x5inch sheet film. Camera : homemade 50mm f/191, pinhole camera.